First of Many - Melon Fest!

Nothing makes me happier than serving the community. I’ve had the privilege of being a part of magical weddings, colorful birthdays, exciting office parties, and so much more through my baking.

One thing i’ve been working on is being able to come to you! I’ve been in communication with several event coordinators and businesses, looking for events where we can share our sweet creations with the world! The first one of these events will be the annual Melon Fest, held by the local celebrity Melon man.

Melon Fest is quite the fun experience. There are vendors, raffles, and of course - watermelon! We are happy to finally announce this as our first event, where we will hold a booth. We will have five flavors of our delicious cheesecake, and cannot WAIT for you to stop by and try it.

More about the event: There will be free watermelon to those who were able to get a ticket. For those who missed the tickets, the event is still free to attend! It will be at the Oasis Fresh Market in Tulsa, OK. It will be from 12pm to 3pm. Stop by and enjoy the event! If you feel like eating something sweet, there will be watermelon and cheesecake for you to endulge on.

I’ll see you at Melon Fest!

- Michael


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